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A great TED TALK that’s deeply related to our issue. It is loud and clear: our current food system is totally unsustainable! What can we do? Mark Bittman has an answer:

"Less meat, less junk, more plants". It is as simple as that.

From Epipheo TV. If you’re not sure what Organic Food is, this video might help you a lot. For instance, do you think organic food automatically contributes to your health? Well let us know what you think after watching the video!

This video is very related to our topic as it shows why food sustainability is essential to every civilization, and as it reflects the complexity of food systems. It also brings up the flaws of our current food system: obesity, starvation, food inadequate to our needs...We hope you have fifteen minutes to listen to this Ted Talk, it is worth your attention!

This guy is great at making things clear. If when going through our blog, or even through our research you have had trouble understanding why we keep relating food consumption to ecology, here is a great explanation: ecosystem ecology. Our behavior affects the world that we live in, and the same thing happens with food. Also, take note of his last sentence: “it is better to eat lower on the food chain”… Just what we were saying

Here are some videos and crucial articles that helped us to better understand the world we aimed at enterring. Do not hesitate to sink into it ! 




- If you want to know more about the impact that being a vegetarian has on your health, society and the environment, this is one interesting article to read.


LEITZMANN, C. (2003). Nutrition ecology: the contribution of vegetarian diets, The American journal of clinical nutrition, Vol. 78, Issue 3, 657S-659S.


- Agroecology, as we mentioned in our work is “the application of ecology to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems”. As so, it might be the answer to the issue of food sustainability. If you’d like to know more, here is Berkeley’s Blog on Agroecology:


- This is an article on the ecological impacts of the current food production system, and on how we could produce and consume food differently. It is an alternative answer to food sustainability, other than alternative diets.



Here's a short video with a few tips on how to buy your food at the supermarket and still be environmentally friendly. It is in french, but subtitles are available.

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